



















1. 阻燃时间:桑拿板扣板的厚度与其阻燃时间呈正相关。在相同条件下,厚度越大的桑拿板扣板,其阻燃时间越长,即火灾发生时,其燃烧速度较慢,为人们提供更多的逃生时间。

2. 燃烧速度:厚度较大的桑拿板扣板在火灾发生时,其燃烧速度相对较慢。这是因为厚度较大的桑拿板扣板具有更好的隔热性能,可以有效减缓火势蔓延。

3. 燃烧温度:桑拿板扣板的厚度对其燃烧温度也有一定影响。厚度较大的桑拿板扣板在火灾发生时,其表面温度相对较低,从而降低了火灾对周围环境的破坏程度。

4. 烟气产生:厚度较大的桑拿板扣板在燃烧过程中,产生的烟气量相对较少。这是因为厚度较大的桑拿板扣板具有更好的密封性能,烟气不易从板缝中逸出。

5. 烟气毒性:厚度较大的桑拿板扣板在燃烧过程中,产生的烟气毒性相对较低。这是因为厚度较大的桑拿板扣板具有更好的隔热性能,燃烧产生的有害气体被有效隔离。


1. 厚度越大的桑拿板扣板,其重量和成本也相应增加,可能会对安装和使用带来不便。
2. 厚度较大的桑拿板扣板在施工过程中,需要更加严格的技术要求,以确保其安装质量和防火性能。







1. 选材:重庆特色生蚝桑拿选用的是新鲜生蚝,要求肉质饱满、色泽鲜艳。在选购时,要注意生蚝的壳体完整、无破损。

2. 清洗:将生蚝放入淡盐水中浸泡,去除杂质。然后,用刷子刷洗生蚝的壳体,确保干净。

3. 烹饪:将处理好的生蚝放入蒸锅中,用大火蒸约5分钟,使其熟透。蒸好的生蚝肉质鲜嫩,口感极佳。

4. 搭配:重庆特色生蚝桑拿通常搭配特制酱料食用。酱料以蒜蓉、辣椒、豆瓣酱等为主要原料,具有鲜香辣的特点。

5. 桑拿:将蒸好的生蚝放入桑拿炉中,让蒸汽进一步激发生蚝的鲜美口感。桑拿炉中的温度控制在70℃左右,时间约3分钟。


1. 富含蛋白质:生蚝是高蛋白食物,每100克生蚝中含有18克蛋白质,有助于增强人体免疫力。

2. 含有钙、磷、铁等矿物质:生蚝富含钙、磷、铁等矿物质,有助于骨骼生长和预防骨质疏松。

3. 富含锌元素:生蚝被誉为“锌宝库”,每100克生蚝中含有锌元素约10毫克,有助于提高男性生育能力。

4. 含有维生素:生蚝中含有维生素A、B1、B2、B12等,有助于维护人体健康。


1. 口味独特:重庆特色生蚝桑拿将生蚝的鲜美与辣味酱料完美结合,辣而不燥,鲜香可口。

2. 营养丰富:生蚝与桑拿的结合,使这道美食具有丰富的营养价值,适合各个年龄段的人群食用。

3. 健康养生:重庆特色生蚝桑拿具有降低血压、预防心血管疾病、提高免疫力等功效,是健康养生的佳品。

4. 地域特色:重庆特色生蚝桑拿融合了重庆的麻辣文化和沿海地区的海鲜风味,具有浓郁的地域特色。








1. 信息交流:永川桑拿社区论坛设有多个版块,如桑拿资讯、桑拿体验、桑拿优惠等,市民可以在这里获取最新的桑拿信息,分享自己的桑拿心得。

2. 互动交流:论坛设有在线聊天室,市民可以在这里与志同道合的朋友畅谈桑拿话题,增进彼此的了解。

3. 桑拿资源展示:永川桑拿社区论坛汇集了永川地区众多优质的桑拿场所,为市民提供一站式桑拿服务。

4. 桑拿行业推广:论坛为桑拿行业提供了一个展示自身实力、拓展市场的平台,有助于提升永川桑拿产业的整体水平。

5. 桑拿文化活动:论坛定期举办各类桑拿文化活动,如桑拿知识讲座、桑拿体验活动等,让市民在参与中了解桑拿文化,感受桑拿魅力。



1. 拓展功能:增加更多与桑拿相关的版块,如桑拿器材、桑拿设备等,满足市民多样化的需求。

2. 丰富内容:邀请业内专家、知名桑拿场所负责人等,分享桑拿行业资讯和经验,提升论坛的专业性。

3. 加强合作:与永川相关部门、桑拿行业企业等建立合作关系,共同推动永川桑拿产业的发展。

4. 拓展地域:将永川桑拿社区论坛的影响力辐射到周边地区,吸引更多市民关注和参与。



Du Guming came to the valley to stop Wang Yue from marrying Yue and told blade master everything. Of course, according to Du Guming, Wang Yue was wrong.
Blade master sat in a thatched cottage with a murderous look in his eyes. "Wang Yue, you promised me that I would abolish Ming Er’s martial arts, so you won’t be hard to sing, but what you are doing now is really not to put my lonely family in the eyes."
Du Guming said, "Uncle, why don’t you kill Wang Yue? Wang Yue is now the vice mayor of the twin cities, and he is arrogant in the city. He didn’t put my lonely family in his eyes. Wang Yue is now a big tail."
Among the enemies of Wang Yue, Du Guming wants Wang Yue to die the most. Of course, breaking the waves is not small for Wang Yue.
Blade master nods, "This time I will go back to Shuangcheng to attend the wedding of Minger and Yuewench. If Wang Yue stops the old man, he will be killed even at some cost."
Du Guming was overjoyed. "Thank you, Uncle."
Blade master packed up the area and headed for Shuangcheng with Duguming.
There is a festive atmosphere everywhere in the twin cities. After all, this is a major marriage in a small city. It is impossible for these residents in the city to have a "celebration" against the Dugu family.
But this festive atmosphere reveals a little weird.
Wang Yue looked at the street in an attic in the mansion with a happy atmosphere, and his eyebrows frowned slightly. He said, "I didn’t listen to my words when I saw Dugugen. This is a way to go black."
In this way, something big will definitely happen on the day when you go to a place where you don’t want to marry one but you have to marry two Heaven fighters.
Yan Ying walked into the attic and stood side by side with Wang Yue and looked at the street outside and said, "Wang Yue, why don’t you forget it? The family really doesn’t have any friendship with our Wangs, and the month is not really your fiancee. It’s not worth fighting blade master for a month."
Wang Yue smiled. "Now it’s not a question of whether it’s worth it or not. It’s not a month for me and Dugu’s kindness and resentment. Even if I give up the month with blade master, a soft Dugu’s family will definitely hunt me down and kill me. blade master and I are both imminent and have to send it."
The contradiction between Wang Yue and the Dugu family has a long history. Small contradictions will naturally become big contradictions, not to mention the fact that there will be a decision-maker in the country and the two cities on the second day. Since blade master made Wang Yue the vice-mayor of Wang Yue and the Dugu family, the curse of World War I has been planted.
Now it’s time for contradictions to break out.
Wang Yue looked up and saw a silvery white sword light flying into the castellan’s mansion.
"What’s the matter?" Yan Ying asked.
Wang Yue sneered, "blade master has returned to the castellan’s mansion. It seems that blade master is also determined to do or die with me."
Wang Yue knows that neither himself nor blade master will give in again this time.
The only result is to die!
Yan Ying took Wang Yue’s hand with worry in his eyes. Wang Yue’s opponent is blade master, who has been famous for a long time.
Nanming North blade master
Blade master is a swordsmen with the same reputation as Wulin myth, which shows his great strength.
Even none of Tianhe and blade master’s enemies are sure to win blade master, even if it is famous.
Wang Yue smiled at Yan Ying and said, "Don’t worry that blade master is strong, but I Wang Yue is not weak. Even if I can’t win, I will never lose. I will protect you and your parents."
Yan Ying a captivating smile "hmm".
Chapter 3 Notes of all parties
Breaking the waves, I found Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng and said to them, "The sky is Du Guming and the month is the wedding day. Then all the energy of blade master will be put on Wang Yueshen. This is the best time for you to kill Du Guming."
In addition to blade master and Wang Yue, there is really no one who can resist Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng’s martial arts, not even the duke.
Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng were silent.
Breaking the waves sneered, "Do it or not, be happy and don’t wave me."
Bu Jingyun gritted his teeth and nodded, "Let’s do it."
Nie Feng also nodded his head.
Although it is very dangerous to kill Du Guming, it is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss it, it will be difficult to have such an opportunity.
Broken waves laughed and said, "Well, you two are really happy."
Breaking the waves took out a map. "This is the map of the Duke’s Mansion. Every room and every lane is painted on the surface. You can see clearly here, here and here. This is where Du Guming lives and frequents. You must first enter the Duke’s Mansion from these three places. Once you find Du Guming and kill him, you have to retreat. It is not to retreat here, but to leave the twin cities. You will have no chance to leave."
Great master fighters, no matter how strong they are, can’t hide from blade master.
Nie Feng put away the map and said, "We are white."
Broken waves nodded and said, "In that case, I won’t come in that day. It’s up to you when to do it."
Breaking the waves can’t help Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, and it’s up to Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng to help everything.
Nie Feng said, "We know."
After breaking the waves, Bu Jingyun said to Nie Feng, "Brother Feng, let me do it tomorrow. Brother Feng, you just have to meet me outside the city. Du Guming’s martial arts are ruined. Even with the protection of Shi Wuzun, it is easy for me to kill him."
Bu Jingyun is not good at fencing, but he is also very good at fencing. Without revealing his identity, he decided to kill Du Guming when fencing.











1. 蒸汽桑拿:采用天然植物蒸汽,有助于排出体内毒素,促进血液循环,提高免疫力。

2. 水疗:通过温泉水按摩全身,缓解疲劳,舒缓肌肉酸痛。

3. 美容养生:提供面部护理、身体护理等美容养生项目,让顾客在享受桑拿的同时,美丽加分。

4. 针灸推拿:采用中医理论,结合现代按摩手法,为顾客解除病痛,提高生活质量。




However, he has scruples in his heart, and he can’t dare to start work on these two protoss under the noses of the five great ancestors in the wild temple.

Now, Long Huang really killed the emperor and a ancestor.
Long Cang also have no scruples!
The big deal is to poke a hole in the sky and kill it!
Long Cang’s eyes are big and he is striding towards the two protoss and killing them!
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Long Cang, the two protoss, fought in melee, and their gas, flesh and bones collided constantly, resulting in a rumbling sound.
Long Cang and the two protoss instantly raised their blood to the realm of blood like the tide!
But as soon as Shu met the two protoss powers, he was shocked, and his eyes showed horror!
The two men are protoss tianjiao, but they are still suppressed by Long Cang.
Yes, after several rounds of hard shaking, their arms were numb and their teeth ached, and their insides were violently shaken!
This is the absolute crush of power!
What makes the two protoss lose even more is that this Long Cang hasn’t conjured up a dragon body yet.
If you wait for Long Cang to come out of the body, your combat power will rise by at least 30%!
"Blood vision!"
The two protoss didn’t want to sacrifice a blood vision for the first time.
Two ancient mysterious pyramids emerged in the two men, and hundreds of millions of creatures were crawling around and praying devoutly.
A steady stream of power poured into the two protoss powers.
The mighty breath of two protoss is rising rapidly!
Long Cang roared to the sky and burst into a loud and resonant dragon song!
Immediately after that, the dragon’s blood rose and surged, and in the blink of an eye, a ferocious and frightening dragon with a huge body condensed behind him!
This dragon is covered with blue scales, its eyes are sharp, and its horns, abdomen and five claws are flashing with dense cold light!
A huge dragon came under pressure!
"Five-claw dragon!"
The two protoss can see this dragon’s virtual shadow and can’t help but stare big eyes and exclaim!
The dragon with five claws is the most noble and powerful blood of the dragon.
Two people really didn’t expect that this entourage behind Long Huang’s body turned out to be a dragon with five claws!
After the five-claw dragon appeared, it knelt around the pyramid, and hundreds of millions of creatures all looked up and their faces showed horror.
Even the god of the pyramid can’t protect them!
The virtual shadow of the dragon rose and slammed into the two pyramids, and a loud noise broke out!
Kaka, Kaka!
Cracks appeared in the two pyramids, and several stones tumbled.
The pyramid collapsed!
The two protoss were so powerful that they were shocked by lightning.
Just then, another dragon song sounded!

"It’s very cheap for two people to go to Huaishugou for ten yuan from here." The hotel owner strongly recommended it.

"Yes, let’s see." King Kong cannon threw a RMB and turned around. "If you are older than ten dollars, you can go wherever you want. I’ll let people come back."
I nodded my head. It’s good to have someone familiar with the environment to guide me.
"Black crazy, don’t mop the floor and do a job." The boss shouted at the back room.
A moment later, a man came out of the back room, thin and wearing a cotton-padded jacket with broken cotton wool. His hair was dirty and his face was exposed. The half face was really black enough. "Uncle, how many pieces can I have today?" Listening should be young.
"Here are three horses for you," said the hotel owner, giving him some one-dollar bills. "Just send these two guests to Huaishugou."
"Your MD is really black, you are so bullying." King Kong Bao scolded 1 mercilessly because his two brothers are both pumas, and they are very sympathetic to people with IQ disorders.
"Brother, you don’t know that he is a vagrant. If I didn’t sympathize with him and let him work here, he would have starved to death," muttered the hotel owner.
"Let’s go, little brother," I said to the silly "black crazy" on the side.
Black crazy also didn’t answer and turned to leave. I pulled it up and was about to argue with the hotel owner, so I followed it.
The wind started at noon.
It’s not fast to go crazy. Kong Bao and I followed him easily. The happiest thing is that the white wolf is back in Shan Ye, excited and screaming and turning around, and his mouth is full of fat rabbits.
King Kong Cannon shouted "Dinner has fallen" when he saw the rabbit in the white wolf’s mouth, and he wanted to take it away from the white wolf’s mouth. He didn’t eat blood for a long time, so he was willing to let go of one person and one dog, so you dragged me and bit me.
"What’s your name, little brother?" I took a few quick steps to catch up with the black madness ahead.
"I don’t remember, people call me black crazy." It seems that black crazy is really crazy.
"Are you cold? This is for you. "I found that the body was shaking when Black Crazy was talking to me, so I took off my scarf and put it around his neck.
Black crazy also don’t talk to speed up and walked forward.
"Ha-ha, I’m older than you. There are six or seven pounds of your dog to follow our food." The King Kong cannon dragged the rabbit’s ear that was not dead, and came running excitedly, followed by a wronged white wolf barking at the King Kong cannon.
"You are shameless to grab something from my dog." I criticised the rabbit in the gunner and threw it to the white wolf. The white wolf picked it up and took a look at the gun and ran away quickly.
"That I eat late? I don’t want to chew instant noodles … older than you! " Is shouting king kong cannon suddenly shut up, pointing to the black crazy walking in front.
"I knew it was a pity." Walking ahead, Black Mad is now facing the midday sun, and his head is full of life, which means that Black Mad is a woman.
"A woman who does this job will suffer more when she gets to the place. Let’s give her more money." King Kong Bao is still very compassionate
I nodded. A crazy woman’s fate must be tragic. It’s better to give her some money, although it won’t change her fate.
Follow that mad man over a mountain ridge, there was a small stream in front of us, and the mad man led us around the narrow swimming place, and a bare locust tree forest appeared in front of us.
"The old cow that black gas is just ahead, let her go home." I pinched the tactic and looked back at the King Kong cannon and said.
King Kong Cannon is still walking ahead. Black Crazy took out several hundred-dollar bills. "Go home and get here."
I looked at the money in the gunner’s hand and turned to look at it. I didn’t pick up the money in the gunner’s hand and turned away.
"Don’t be too old for you to see others’ professional ethics." King Kong Bao sincerely praised.
I sighed, "Let’s go and see what’s ahead."
The sun is about to set, and it gets dark very early in winter.
"Why don’t we have a rest here before we leave at dawn?" King Kong suggested.
"Hum, Sophora japonica, ghost tree, the heaviest yin qi belongs to it. It is more dangerous for you to rest here at night." I half-truths to scare him.
"I don’t even have a shelter here!" King kong cannon said the first blunt Lin walked past.
Through the dense locust tree forest, it was completely dark, and a bottomless mountain stream appeared in front of our eyes. The King Kong cannon picked up a stone and threw it away for half a day before it vaguely heard the echo with water.
"It’s really deep. Let’s see if we can get around it." King Kong said and walked to the side.
I then watched a strong black gas coming from the bottom of the mountain stream just now, so it’s better not to be hard to detour.
Two hours later, we returned to the original place, with wider mountain streams and steeper mountains.
"Let’s go. There is no big difference between day and night for us." I threw the lieutenant to the king kong cannon and walked to the mountain stream with floating dust in my hand. The white wolf followed me.
"Maybe it’s because we think too much that it’s not far from the outside town. If there’s anything strange, it’s impossible for outsiders not to know it." Kong Bao muttered and followed.
"Ha ha, don’t comfort yourself. What sent us to Huaishugou and refused to go any further?" I’m not as optimistic as he is.
King Kong cannon and I groped for water at the bottom of the ravine! It is from the blue-glowing dead pool in front of us that the strong black spirit emanates. "There must be something old in this water!" King Kong cannon pointed at the strong water in front of him.
"You are so amazing that you can even see this." I lit a cigarette and sarcastically said to him, don’t say that we know the Tao, but ordinary people will be horrified to see this piece of stagnant water shrouded in black gas.
"Let’s wait until dawn. It will be better after the sun comes out." King Kong cannon also lit a cigarette.
"Do you feel the solar energy shining here?" I pointed to the top of my head and showed him that the mountain stream was narrow and wide in the shape of a word, and the dead pool was located on the far side of the word, so the sun root could not shine.
"What shall we do?" How many puffs of King Kong cannon?
"If the position is right, it should mean that this dead pond is dark, which better explains that the root here can’t see the sun." I tried to analyze it
"Can this also be called deep?" King Kong cannon pointed at the pond that was not wide in front of us.
"The terrain can’t be unchanged for so many years. Besides, the water level is not the same in a year." I chose to enter the mountains in winter. The original consideration was that snakes, insects, rats and ants would be much less in winter. Moreover, in winter, all animals have already bred, and it’s nothing for us to kill prey. Otherwise, it would be uncomfortable to catch a rabbit and find that it is pregnant with a baby. I didn’t expect good intentions to be rewarded. In the face of less rain in winter, the stagnant water surface of this pond should also be the narrowest in a year.

Chapter one hundred The punishment is a surprise.

Compared with the old surprise and doubt, Yuan felt shocked. The punishment of heaven is reflected in Tianwei. In some ways, even a saint is not despised. Although he jumps out of the three realms and is not detached from life and death in the five elements, he is still small and fragile in the face of heaven. When Li Suiyun issued a statement that heaven is me, I am heaven, and that is always madness. He is integrating himself into heaven.
Saints will die and turn to ashes, but saints can deduce the secret to avoid disaster and survive, but even so, some things have to be done for saints, which is also acceptable. After all, some saints still can’t let go of some things
I must have seen the god’s eyes. Although I know that there is a little fear in this earth, my hands are not slow at all. Now the four religions have fought to such an extent, not to mention each other’s faces. It is no longer good to say that both sides have lost their doors
It’s also fortunate that the three thousand dragons can have half of their manpower left. It’s thanks to the explanation of Twelve Jinxian, one by one. Even at this time, he has slaughtered a lot of monks. Although he has many hands and doesn’t care about these small fish and shrimp, he won’t be so rampant by these people, will he?
The most profound feeling is that he almost cried when he saw the strange eyes. It’s unfair for God … It’s too strange and unfair for this Taoist priest to be a magic weapon, Gan Kun Ding and chaos clock, and even the ancient axe is in his hand-although I don’t know if the rest of the magic weapons are many. Now the other side has an eye on his forehead and it’s so similar to the eye!
Everyone knows the power of the Eye of Heaven, but how did it get to the forehead of Taoist Qingxu? It is unreasonable to say that the saint has an eye like that on his forehead, but it seems that this person has never done a thing since he debuted.
No, the four saints secretly lamented that Li Suiyun’s eyes flashed off his forehead and his eyes suddenly exploded three feet of divine light, and then a red light shot directly at several saints.
The speed of light is the fastest, but several great saints are careful. I didn’t expect that the power of this god’s eye would come so overbearing that it would be the first to rush ahead but the first to bear the brunt.
Seeing was that the divine light rushed to his head, and he was eager to rush Xuangong to stop his steps and move a weapon straight to the left.
The divine light came really quickly, and the weapon where Guanghua flashed directly disappeared, and the shock was like a lightning strike. He couldn’t stand it, and he stumbled backwards and hid.
At this time, the quasi-heart is complaining that the other party’s hand is too hard. That red light seems to contain poor thunder. Generally, others can’t see him clearly. In that short moment, let alone the weapon, even his hand was scorched.
At this time, Rao felt that his mind was firm and he couldn’t help losing his momentum. He felt that the other party’s spell was really advanced. Although his collar was high, he didn’t have the other side to be weird. That red light reminded him that he would be a little scared if the four saints were here. Can the wicked mind not fall into the well? How can I resist this picture now?
The quasi-side secretly complained that the old man, Yuan and Jie Yin didn’t know how the other side felt. They also saw that the quasi-flustered and directly retreated aside, but they were also shocked. This divine light was terrible, but it didn’t reach the level of killing the gods and destroying the saints.
Since they can’t threaten their lives, several saints are also at ease. One by one, they are cold-faced and waving their weapons to kill the future again.
Li Suiyun also felt a little uncomfortable after a blow. Most of his physical strength was taken away. If he was not the best in mobilizing the vitality around him, he really couldn’t afford to let the saints feel the burden of spells. Imagine how terrible the power is.
He sees people and kills people in the future. His heart is angry, his teeth are clenched, and his eyes are shining with brilliance, but this time the light is not red, but blue and white.
Take a slight surprise in the heart. This light is really weird and gives people a feeling of sen’s coldness. It is far from the domineering of the red divine light just now, but gives people a feeling of being full of coldness from the bottom of my heart.
Then I was frightened to show my magical powers, but I saw that the mord in my hand was full of brilliance, and thousands of golden lotus flowers danced and danced to dye the whole day golden yellow. The golden lotus seemed to have great magic, which made people feel a sense of peace at first sight, as if the whole world was peaceful, the whole life was beautiful, and all the filth and ugliness disappeared.
Golden flowers may be mortal, but there is nothing like doom to this blue divine light. This divine light will not change its purpose because of those golden lotus flowers.
The speed of light is amazing. In a blink of an eye, the bluish-white light has already passed through the golden lotus, blocking the direct light from reaching the forehead and then wearing it to disappear into the air.
Surprisingly, this green light is not as destructive as red light, but some silver-like wax spear heads are not visible. It feels that the skull has not been damaged at all, and it is still the same.
The old footsteps stopped at once, and his face showed a little suddenly. He knew in his heart that the eye of God would not hurt the surface even if it was at worst. At this time, his heart had come in vain. It was hard to tell what it really had to do with the eye of God.
Just hit the nail on the head, now I have never thought about it, I have suffered a dark loss, but now I have been recruited, but I have been injured. But he has stopped and stood still. It is probably that he is in a dreamland. If it is inferred from this, the eye is weak.
Thought of here, he didn’t slow down, the cloud will turn flat and be careful not to guard against it.
The situation is really bad at this time. He was shot by the green light at first, but he didn’t put it in his heart. He suddenly found that the scene in front of him was far from what he had just seen.
Here, however, it’s an extremely luxurious balcony, and it’s really an extravagant thing for Qiong Louyuyu.
Take the lead in the heart, but it’s a surprise to find the left and right, but it’s hard to hide the old, the yuan and the quasi-three. He secretly calculates but feels that the foggy roots in front of him can’t figure out the roots of the other party. I want to come here and still reverse the yin and yang and reverse the five elements.
He thought about it, but he felt that the distractions were like a flood that burst its banks. Since he proved that he had mixed the elements, he had never experienced such a situation. The distractions were both restless and possessed by demons.
Then lead to think here is a big surprise to induce the saint demons but need to wait for the power of terror? Thought of here, his heart as hard as stone couldn’t help but have a ripple called demons?
The most horrible thing about demons is that they are aimed at people with gaps in their hearts. You are the most wicked and evil, but if you want your mind to be firm and stable as iron demons, you can’t resist you. Even if your merits and deeds shine, your mind is not cultivated enough, even if there is a little gap. Although your merits and deeds can weaken the power of demons, this little demon is enough to make you fall forever. It is also called a psychological robbery.
The yogi is not afraid of lightning robbery and fire robbery, but the external robbery such as this psychological robbery can be solved by magic, but this psychological robbery has been invaded by the devil, and your magic is not even a spark, but you can fight with your mind, and your soul is shattered.
I know that I’m in a dreamland, and everything in front of me is possessed by demons. If I don’t deal with it carefully at this time, I’m afraid it won’t end well, and I’ll be fascinated by this dreamland and fall into the magic road.
He is also a man of practice. Although his mind is slightly wavering, he is as firm as a stone.
I’m sure I’ll see you here, and I won’t care about my own injuries. I’m rushing to the clouds to catch up with the future. I’ll go to Yuan with a long sigh and a shake, and then I’ll kill you. When I see this situation, I’ll ponder over it and wave my multiplier.
Li Suiyun is also uncomfortable at this time. He has been punished twice in a row, but he feels a little overwhelmed. He feels that this avatar is good, but it consumes a lot of energy. This is actually simple. If this avatar is like that ordinary spell, it is too much. When the enemy is arrogant, he will shoot his eyes everywhere. Is there any other opponent who can find peace this day? The balance road is broken. No, he is.
After several attempts, Li Suiyun finally found out a few magical powers, but the common ones are wind robbery, water robbery, fire robbery and thunder robbery. In addition, there are the most horrible psychological robberies, but the power of the scourge is obviously not clear. Now Yuan can’t hydrolyze his thirst. He hesitates to wave his weapons and fight with the three saints again.
This time, it’s different from the previous fights. Li Suiyun has been punished by heaven, but he has lost his vitality. He is quite tired. Although the technique is exquisite, he is no longer violent at the beginning. Obviously, he has to take measures to restore his vitality.